You can contest the charged penalty via the Educator App. However, you will have to mention a valid reason for waiving the penalty charges. Only upon validating the mentioned reason, the waiver request raised by you will be accepted. Unacademy holds the right to reject any waiver request if the provided reason is deemed invalid. 

Note: Penalty waiver requests will only be considered when raised via the Educator App.

Steps to raise waiver request:

Step 1: Open Unacademy Educator App.

Step 2: Go to the Alerts section towards the bottom of the Home Screen.

Step 3: Tap on > to view the entire Calendar.

Step 4: From the list of penalties, tap on the one you want to contest.

Step 5: You will land on a new page, inclusive of the penalty type in detail with a ‘Report an Issue’ button.

Step 6: Tap on the ‘Report an Issue’ button. 

Step 7: An input box will open where you can mention your reason for waiving the penalty instance.

Step 8: After mentioning the reason, tap on the ‘Submit’ button. Your waiver request is submitted.

You will be notified of any updates on the waiver request on the App itself. For convenience, you may also check the ‘Alerts’ section from where you had raised the request.